Well-informed. The latest on SCHMOOR brazing.
Löt 2025
From 24th to 26th of June the Löt 2025 takes place again in Aachen, Germany.
I would appreciate very much to meet interested participants during the conference. See you in Aachen.
Online training courses in the first half of 2023
The dates for the online training course "Brazing - an introduction" and the online seminar "Brazing and high temperature brazing" for the first half of 2023 have now been set. Both events will be offered end of February/beginning of March and mid of June. For more detailed information on the contents, dates and registration formalities, please follow seminars.
Of course you can also contact me by email ( or phone (+49 6021 4556778) about the events.
Löt 2022 - Honored with the Erich Lugscheider Award
The “Löt 2022” came to an end on June 23. For 3 days, participants learned about current research results and technical innovations in brazing, high-temperature brazing and diffusion bonding.
During this conference, I was awarded the Erich-Lugscheider-Award, for which I would like to take this opportunity to thank the jury. I consider it a great honor to be one of the recipients of this award, which is only presented every three years.
Online brazing seminar
My next online brazing seminar (english version) takes place on March, 23rd and 24th. It covers the following topics:
- Basics of brazing technology
- Brazing process
- Brazing alloys and fluxes
- Design of brazed joints
- Imperfections of brazed joints and their testing
- Selection of brazing process, brazing alloy, flux and process parameters
For detailed information about the seminar as well as for the registration form please visit Seminar or contact me by email ( or phone (+49 6021 4556778).
The SCHMOOR brazing online brazing seminar
In addition to the classic on-site seminar, I now also offer an online brazing seminar. The aim of the seminar is to convey the basic knowledge of brazing technology for the professional design of brazing processes, brazing alloys, fluxes and process parameters to be used.
The online seminar is offered as a 1:1 training for individuals or for small groups of a maximum of 4 participants. It comprises 10 modules, which deal with the basic knowledge as well as the discussion of brazing topics of the participants.
The dates for the modules are arranged individually and can therefore be integrated into the daily work routine without time-consuming travel.
For detailed information about the seminar, please use this link or contact me by mail ( or phone (+49 6021 4556778).
Conferences and Seminars 2021
Subject to further restrictions due to the corona pandemic, the following international conferences on brazing are planned for this year:
- 11th International Conference and Exhibition Aluminium Brazing 2021 together with
7th International Congress and Exhibition on Aluminium Heat Exchanger Technologies for HVAC&R,
organized by the German Welding Society from 4th to 6th of May 2021 in Düsseldorf - International Brazing and Soldering Conference (IBSC) 2021 by American Welding Society from 3rd to 6th of October 2021 in Denver, Colorado, USA
In Germany two seminars on brazing are planned. Those can be recommended to your German speaking colleagues.
- Seminar „Hartlöten und Hochtemperaturlöten“ (Brazing and High Temperature Brazing) of the Technical Academy Esslingen, 8th to 9th of February 2021 in Ostfildern, Germany
- Seminar „Löten – Grundlagen und Anwendungen“ (Brazing – Basics and Applications) of the German Materials Society, 13th to 15th of March 2021 as an
online seminar of the Surface Engineering Institute of the RWTH Aachen, Germany
I would also like to draw your attention to the world's leading welding and cutting trade fair in Essen, Germany from 13th to 17th of September 2021, where brazing manufacturers as well as manufacturers of brazing systems will be represented.
More information are available on the respective Websites. I would be happy to meet interested participants at some of these events.
Handbook of Inductive Soldering
The "Handbuch Induktives Löten" edited by Mr. Hans-Joachim Peter is now also available in an English version titled “Handbook of Inductive Soldering”.
The handbook deals with inductive brazing in great detail and contains a good introduction to brazing technology.
The book is highly recommended for both beginners and experienced users.
Brazing consultancy by Schmoor brazing
Optimisation of existing brazing processes, definition of new brazing processes, damage analysis and definition of remedial measures, selection of brazing alloys and fluxes, design suitable for brazing, assessment of brazed joints, seminar lectures - the brazing topics and associated applications worked on by Schmoor brazing were and are manifold and technically always of high interest to me.
Whether flame brazing, induction brazing, resistance brazing or furnace brazing under inert gas or in vacuum - each topic had and has its own challenges and is successfully dealt with according to customer requirements.
The required brazing consultation is always customer-oriented and flexible in terms of time, from one-off consultation to project work with a defined timeframe to continuous consultation over several months or even years.
It is a personal concern of mine to continue to provide my customers with professional and economically sound advice on the subject of brazing.
Löt 2019
From 21st to 23rd of May the Löt 2019 takes place again in Aachen, Germany.
I would appreciate very much to meet interested participants during the conference. See you in Aachen.
New address
After 2 years of technical consulting on brazing my office moved to Blumenstraße 24, 63743 Aschaffenburg. By this also my phone number changed to +49 6021 4556 778
Conferences and Seminars 2018
This year several international conferences on brazing are organized. Among others are:
- International Brazing and Soldering Conference (IBSC) 2018 of the American Welding Society,
April 15, 2018 - April 18, 2018 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA - 10th International Conference and Exhibition Aluminium Brazing 2018 of the German Welding Society,
June 12 2018 – June 14, 2018 in Düsseldorf, Germany
In Germany two seminars are organized on brazing. Those can be recommended to your German speaking colleagues.
- Seminar „Hartlöten und Hochtemperaturlöten“ (Brazing and High Temperature Brazing) of the Technical Academy Esslingen,
February 5, 2018 – February 6, 2018 in Ostfildern, Germany - Seminar „Löten – Grundlagen und Anwendungen“ (Brazing – Basics and Applications) of the German Materials Society,
March 13, 2018 – March 14, 2018 at the Surface Engineering Institute of the RWTH Aachen, Germany
More information are available on the respective Websites. I would be happy to meet interested participants during the conferences or at the seminar in Ostfildern.
New standards for brazing
Beginning of this year two standards for brazing have been published in their revised versions. Both standards are international ones and deal with the designation respectively composition of brazing filler metals:
- ISO 3677 Filler metal for soldering and brazing – Designation
- ISO 17672 Brazing – Filler metals
ISO 3677 specifies designations for filler materials for soldering and brazing, does however not specify their compositions. The main modification compared to the previous version is the deletion of the term “braze welding” and the respective chapter of related filler metals.
ISO 17672 specifies the compositional ranges of a series of filler metals used for brazing. The filler metals are divided into seven classes, related to their composition, but not necessarily to the major element present:
- Aluminium and magnesium brazing filler metals
- Silver brazing filler metals
- Copper-phosphorus brazing filler metals
- Copper brazing filler metals
- Nickel (and cobalt) brazing filler metals
- Palladium bearing brazing filler metals
- Gold bearing brazing filler metals
Furthermore impurity limits for special vacuum requirements and technical delivery conditions are specified.
New company founded
Schmoor brazing consultancy services for brazing technology
- Technical consultancy services and project management as the cornerstone of our range of services
- Damage appraisal and the development of optimisation measures
- Training and seminars to enhance brazing expertise
Aschaffenburg, 02. November 2016. Using its comprehensive expertise from research, development and practice, Schmoor brazing specialises in finding solutions for brazing and high temperature brazing projects. The key focus is on brazing technology-related consultancy services and process management for companies operating within the refrigeration/air-conditioning technology, tooling and electrical industries, as well as industrial technology and automotive. The newly established company with headquarters in the city of Aschaffenburg operates independently of system and brazing suppliers. Schmoor brazing firmly believes that consultation and results should not only focus on technical aspects but must also pay attention to economic factors.
“I am always willing to supervise the practical implementation of my recommendations. This is a question of responsibility for me” says Hartmut Schmoor, proprietor of Schmoor brazing. The combination of consultation, implementation, monitoring and training aims to service customer requests from one source. Whether it is the development of new methods, the optimisation of existing processes or product quality, the reduction of costs or production times, Schmoor places great value on working independently of system and brazing suppliers. Only then is it possible to develop the best solution for the customer from a technical and economic standpoint.
Schmoor places a strong emphasis on sharing very specialised knowledge within the discipline of brazing technology, and expanding brazing expertise within companies. Schmoor teaches targeted courses and training sessions along with the foundations of brazing and facilitates intensive detailed specialist knowledge, all coordinated according to your company’s requirements. If you wish to learn more about brazing, please visit to discover technical information on all aspects of brazing and further industry literature references. They serve as a concise introduction to the topic.
An old saying states that you learn from your mistakes. For that reason, when it comes to damage appraisal, Schmoor does not only focus on remedying the situation. It is far more important to determine why and how the damage occurred. That is the only way to avoid repeating the same mistake.
Start of an Internet presence
Since July 2016 I have been advising customers from a diverse range of industrial sectors - independent of system and brazing providers. With “SCHMOOR brazing” I would like to offer my expertise - stemming from over 25 years of practical experience and research within brazing technology - in particular to companies operating within HVACR, tooling and electrical industries, as well as industrial technology and automotive.
My website, with its modern design, and clear, user-friendly structure can now be found on Whether it concerns technical advice or support for brazing projects, damage appraisal or training: “Services” contains my offer for all topics concerning brazing technology and brazing. I have also compiled information about my experience and expertise on “SCHMOOR brazing”.
Those interested in brazing can visit the “Brazing” section to learn about the fundamentals of brazing technology and to discover more about its key aspects. All information is aligned with the most up-to-date technology and standards. It serves as an initial introduction to brazing technology, and will be supplemented with additional information in the coming weeks.
So be sure to take a look regularly! I look forward to your visit, your feedback and technical discussions all about brazing.